01 化工 02 颜料 03 日化 04 燃料 05 医药 06 金属 07 机械 08 器具 09 电子 10 医用 11 灯具 12 车辆 13 火药 14 珠宝 15 乐器 16 文具 17 橡胶 18 皮具 19 建材 20 家具 21 厨具 22 绳网 23 纱线 24 布料 25 服装 26 纽扣 27 地毯 28 玩具 29 肉油 30 米面 31 果蔬 32 啤酒 33 非啤 34 烟草 35 广告 36 金融 37 建筑 38 通讯 39 运输 40 加工 41 文娱 42 科技 43 酒店 44 医疗 45 法律


编号 名称 英文
300112 比萨饼 Pizzas
300117 (意大利式)方形饺 Ravioli
300133 肉馅饼 Meat pies; Pies (Meat –)
300134 法式肉派 Pâtés en croûte; Pâtés en croûte
300163 粗麦蒸糕 Couscous [semolina]
300170 寿司 Sushi
300183 春卷 Spring rolls
300184 墨西哥式夹饼 Tacos
300185 墨西哥式薄饼 Tortillas
300223 乌克兰饺子 Vareniki [stuffed dumplings]
300224 俄式肉饺 Pelmeni [dumplings stuffed with meat]
300231 包子 Baozi [stuffed buns]
300233 饺子 Jiaozi [stuffed dumplings]
300235 日式煎菜饼(御好烧) Okonomiyaki [Japanese savoury pancakes] / okonomiyaki [Japanese savory pancakes]
300237 卷饼 Burritos
300238 韩式紫菜包饭 Gimbap [Korean rice dish]
300243 面粉制丸子 flour-based dumplings
300246 主要由米制成的冻干食品 freeze-dried dishes with main ingredient being rice / lyophilized dishes with main ingredient being rice / lyophilised dishes with main ingredient being rice
300250 石锅拌饭 bibimbap [rice mixed with vegetables and beef]
300251 饭团 onigiri [rice balls]
300252 方便米饭 Instant rice
300265 挪威土豆薄饼 Lomper [potato-based flatbread]
300269 韩式泡菜煎饼 Kimchijeon [fermented vegetable pancakes]
C300048 炒饭 Fried rice
C300049 Porridge
C300050 年糕 Rice cake
C300051 粽子 Zongzi (a Chinese food for dragon boat festival)
C300052 元宵 Rice glue ball
C300053 煎饼 Thin pancake
C300054 八宝饭 Chinese rice pudding
C300056 醪糟 Fermented glutious rice
C300057 火烧 Baked wheat cake
C300058 大饼 Pancake
C300059 馒头 Steamed bun
C300060 花卷 Steamed rolls
C300061 豆包 Steamed bun stuffed with bean paste
C300062 盒饭 Box lunch
C300064 肉泡馍 Pancake cooked in mutton soup
C300065 泡粑 Dunk rice
C300066 叶儿粑 Leaf wrapped rice
泡菜煎饼 Kimchijeon [fermented vegetable pancakes]
墨西哥式夹饼饼皮 Mexican burger crust
墨西哥式薄饼饼皮 Mexican pizza crust
(意大利式)方形饺(加工好的) Italian square dumplings, processed
比萨饺 Pisa dumplings
朝鲜拌饭(混合有蔬菜和牛肉的熟米饭) Bibimbap (Cooked rice mixed with vegetables and beef)
葱油饼 Scallion pancake
豆沙包 smashed bean bun
发糕 Steamed sponge cake
干米饭 Dried rice
红豆粥 Red bean porridge
馄饨 ravioli
家禽和野味肉馅饼 Poultry and game meat pie
烙饼 baked pancake
绿豆粥 Green bean porridge
米团 Rice Ball
米粥 Rice porridge
墨西哥式干酪馅夹饼 Mexican Cheese Pie
墨西哥式辣椒乳酪肉馅玉米卷饼 Enchilada
墨西哥式玉米面团包馅卷 Tamales
墨西哥式炸卷饼 Fried Burrito
墨西哥式综合卷饼 Comprehensive Burrito
南瓜粥 Pumpkin porridge
Nang, a kind of crusty pancake
肉包 Meat bun
肉馅饼(已制好) Meat pie(prepared)
肉馅卷饼 Empanada
乳酪碎肉末玉米饼 Cheese minced meat johnnycake
软质椒盐卷饼 Soft pepper salt rollers
萨莫萨三角饺 Samosa dumplings
烧卖 Shaomai, a kind of bread
食用薄饼 Edible pancake
熟米饭 Cooked rice
西班牙海鲜饭 spanish seafood paella
西班牙油条 Churros
新鲜比萨饼 Fresh pizza
已加工的比萨饼 Pizza, processed
意大利式烩饭 Risotto
意式加馅粗管面 Spaghetti with stuffing
油条 fried dough sticks
预包装午餐食品(以米为主,也包括肉、鱼或蔬菜) Pre-packaged lunch food (include meat, fish or vegetables)
蒸米饭 Steamed rice
比萨饼皮 Pizza crust
糯米年糕 rice cake
加工过的粗粒小麦粉 Semolina ( processed-)
加工过的燕麦 Oat ( processed-)
馄饨皮 Wonton skin