01 化工 02 颜料 03 日化 04 燃料 05 医药 06 金属 07 机械 08 器具 09 电子 10 医用 11 灯具 12 车辆 13 火药 14 珠宝 15 乐器 16 文具 17 橡胶 18 皮具 19 建材 20 家具 21 厨具 22 绳网 23 纱线 24 布料 25 服装 26 纽扣 27 地毯 28 玩具 29 肉油 30 米面 31 果蔬 32 啤酒 33 非啤 34 烟草 35 广告 36 金融 37 建筑 38 通讯 39 运输 40 加工 41 文娱 42 科技 43 酒店 44 医疗 45 法律


编号 名称 英文
100001 腹带 Abdominal belts
100002 下腹托带 Hypogastric belts
100003 紧身腹围 Abdominal corsets
100020 矫形用关节绷带 Bandages for joints, anatomical
100020 支撑绷带 Supportive bandages
100021 石膏夹板(外科) Splints, surgical
100022 弹性绷带 Bandages, elastic
100038 矫形用物品 Orthopaedic articles; Orthopedic articles
100040 鞋用弓型支垫 Arch supports for footwear
100041 拘束衣 Strait jackets
100046 孕妇托腹带 Maternity belts
100047 矫形带 Orthopaedic [orthopedic] belts; Orthopaedic belts; Orthopedic belts
100051 矫形鞋 Orthopaedic footwear; Orthopedic footwear
100126 拐杖头 Tips for crutches
100146 平足支撑物 Supports for flat feet
100148 悬吊式绷带 Suspensory bandages
100165 外科用弹力袜 Elastic stockings for surgical purposes; Elastic stockings [surgery]
100166 静脉曲张用长袜 Stockings for varices
100168 拐杖 Crutches
100171 矫形鞋底 Orthopaedic soles; Orthopedic soles
100183 医用紧身胸衣 Corsets for medical purposes
100193 矫形用膝绷带 Knee bandages orthopedic
100206 矫形用石膏绷带 Plaster bandages for orthopaedic purposes; Plaster bandages for orthopedic purposes
100217 吊带(支撑绷带) Slings [supporting bandages]
100226 残障者用助行架 Walking frames for disabled persons
100230 医用四脚拐杖 Quad canes for medical purposes
100243 正畸用橡皮筋 Orthodontic rubber bands
100249 矫形用分趾器 Toe separators for orthopaedic purposes / toe separators for orthopedic purposes
100256 带轮助行器 Wheeled walkers to aid mobility
100263 医用拐杖 Walking sticks for medical purposes / canes for medical purposes
100264 医用机械外骨骼 robotic exoskeleton suits for medical purposes
矫形鞋垫 Orthopedic insoles
矫形用鞋垫 Insoles used for orthopedic
矫形用鞋内底 Orthopedic shoes insole
医疗用压力袜 Pressure socks for medical purpose
医用压力紧身衣 Medical pressure tights
医用压力袜 Medical pressure socks
有弓型支垫的矫形用鞋内底 Orthopedic shoes insole with bow support