01 化工 02 颜料 03 日化 04 燃料 05 医药 06 金属 07 机械 08 器具 09 电子 10 医用 11 灯具 12 车辆 13 火药 14 珠宝 15 乐器 16 文具 17 橡胶 18 皮具 19 建材 20 家具 21 厨具 22 绳网 23 纱线 24 布料 25 服装 26 纽扣 27 地毯 28 玩具 29 肉油 30 米面 31 果蔬 32 啤酒 33 非啤 34 烟草 35 广告 36 金融 37 建筑 38 通讯 39 运输 40 加工 41 文娱 42 科技 43 酒店 44 医疗 45 法律


编号 名称 英文
140001 玛瑙 Agates
140004 黄琥珀首饰 Jewellery of yellow amber; Jewelry of yellow amber
140005 人造琥珀制珍珠(压制的琥珀) Pearls made of ambroid [pressed amber]
140006 护身符(首饰) Amulets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140008 细银丝(银线) Spun silver [silver wire]
140009 银线(首饰) Silver thread [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140015 手镯(首饰) Bracelets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140018 首饰用小饰物 Jewellery charms / charms for jewellery / charms for jewelry / jewelry charms
140019 胸针(首饰) Brooches [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140024 链(首饰) Chains [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140031 项链(首饰) Necklaces [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140033 领带夹 Tie clips
140034 硬币 Coins
140035 金刚石 Diamonds
140040 贵金属制丝线(首饰) Threads of precious metal [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; Wire of precious metal [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140046 象牙(首饰) Ivory [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140047 墨玉饰品 Ornaments of jet
140048 未加工或半加工墨玉 Jet, unwrought or semi-wrought
140049 铜制代币 Copper tokens
140050 珠宝首饰 Jewellery; Jewelry
140051 盒式项链坠 Lockets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140052 奖章 Medals
140062 橄榄石(宝石) Olivine [gems]
140062 贵橄榄石 Peridot
140064 金线(首饰) Gold thread [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140069 饰针(首饰) Ornamental pins
140070 珍珠(珠宝) Pearls [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140073 次宝石 Semi-precious stones
140074 宝石 Precious stones
140095 尖晶石(宝石) Spinel [precious stones]
140096 贵金属制塑像 Statues of precious metal
140097 人造珠宝 Paste jewellery; Paste jewelry [costume jewelry]
140107 戒指(首饰) Rings [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140109 贵金属制艺术品 Works of art of precious metal
140117 帽子用首饰 Hat jewellery / hat jewelry
140118 耳环 Earrings
140119 鞋用首饰 Shoe jewellery / shoe jewelry
140122 衬衫袖扣 Cuff links
140123 贵金属制半身像 Busts of precious metal
140146 贵金属制小雕像 Statuettes of precious metal
140146 贵金属制小塑像 Figurines of precious metal
140150 别针(首饰) Pins [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
140151 领带饰针 Tie pins
140152 贵金属制徽章 Badges of precious metal
140162 钥匙链(带小饰物或短链饰物的扣环) Key chains [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]
140162 钥匙圈(带小饰物或短链饰物的扣环) Key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]
140165 景泰蓝首饰 Cloisonné jewellery [jewelry (Am.)]
140167 制首饰用珠子 Beads for making jewelry/ Beads for making jewellery
140168 首饰用扣钩 Clasps for jewellery / Clasps for jewelry
140169 首饰配件 Jewellery findings/Jewelry findings
140171 弧面宝石 Cabochons
140172 贵金属制钥匙圈 Split rings of precious metal for keys
140175 赞珠 Misbaha [prayer beads]
140176 绣花纺织品制手镯(首饰) Bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewellery] / bracelets made of embroidered textile [jewelry]
140177 钥匙链用小饰物 Charms for key chains
140177 钥匙圈用小饰物 Charms for key rings
140178 念珠 Rosaries / chaplets
140179 贵金属制耶稣受难雕像(非首饰) Crucifixes of precious metal, other than jewellery / Crucifixes of precious metal, other than jewelry
140180 耶稣受难雕像(首饰) Crucifixes as jewellery / Crucifixes as jewelry
140181 伸缩式钥匙链 retractable key rings / retractable key chains
140181 伸缩式钥匙圈 retractable key rings / retractable key chains
140182 帽子用装饰针 jewellery hat pins / jewelry hatpins
C140001 金红石(宝石) Clock case
C140002 人造金刚石 Artificial diamond
C140003 翡翠 Jade
C140004 玉雕艺术品 Jade carving works
C140005 激光宝石 Laser gem
C140006 银制工艺品 Silver arts and crafts
C140007 玉雕首饰 Jade carving jewelry
C140008 角、骨、牙、介首饰及艺术品 Ornament and art-work of horn, bone, ivory and shell
C140010 景泰蓝工艺品 Cloisonne crafts
镀金戒指 Ring, gold-plated
碧玺 Tourmaline
缠丝玛瑙 Wrapped agate
穿耳式耳环 Earrings, pierced
瓷制袖扣 Porcelain cufflinks
带有企业标志的首饰 Jewelry with corporate logo
蛋白石 Opal
订婚戒指 Engagement ring
镀金耳环 Earrings, gold-plated
耳钉 Stud earring
耳坠 Earring
仿真珠宝首饰 Simulated jewellery
浮雕首饰 Relief jewelry
橄榄石 Peridot
贵金属徽章 Precious metal badge
贵金属奖杯 Precious metal trophy
贵金属饰针 Precious metal pin
贵金属塑像 Precious metal statue
贵金属制奖杯 Precious metal trophy
贵金属制领带夹 Precious metal tie clip
贵金属制珠宝首饰 Precious metal jewellery
贵重宝石 Precious gem
合成宝石 Synthetic stone
红宝石 Ruby
琥珀吊坠 Amber pendant
环状耳环 Earrings, ring
黄玉 Topaz
纪念币 Commemorative coins
纪念奖章 Commemorative medal
夹耳式耳环 Ear earrings
脚链 Anklet
结婚戒指 Wedding ring
金刚石(未加工的) Diamond (raw)
金丝珠宝 Gold silk jewelry
经雕琢的宝石 Gemstones
景泰蓝饰针 Jingtai blue decorated needles
蓝宝石 Sapphire
绿宝石 Emerald
木制手串 Handmade string, wood
女士首饰 Ladies jewelry
人工养殖的珍珠 Artificially cultured pearls
人造宝石 Man-made gems
人造琥珀制吊坠 Artificial amber pendant
人造珍珠 man-made Pearl
使穿孔式耳环变为夹耳式耳环的首饰夹 Jewelry clips that make perforated earrings into earrings
收藏用成套硬币 Collection of coins
手串 Bracelets
手镯 Bracelet
首饰链 Jewelry chain
丝巾扣(首饰) Scarf buckle (jewelry)
贴颈短项链 Necklace, stick neck
铜纪念币 Commemorative coins of copper
头戴首饰 Jewelry, worn on the head
头戴王冠状首饰 Crown jewelry, wearing
围领式项链 Necklace, collar
未加工宝石 Unprocessed gem
未加工缠丝玛瑙 Wrapped agate, unprocessed
未加工玛瑙 Agate, unprocessed
项链 Necklace
项链吊坠 Pendant, necklace
勋章 Medal
衣领饰针(首饰) Collar pin (jewelry)
衣领装饰徽章 Collar decorative badge
已切割的钻石 Cut diamond
硬币(收藏品) Coins (collectibles)
用作首饰的钥匙链 Jewelry, used as the key chain
玉(珠宝) Jade (jewelry)
玉髓(宝石) Chalcedony (gem)
指环(小饰物) Rings (trinkets)
制首饰用弧面宝石 Cambered surface for marking jewelry
珠宝 Jewelry
珠宝吊坠 Jewelry pendant
珠宝首饰(包括仿真珠宝首饰和塑料首饰) Jewelry (including simulated jewellery and plastic jewellery)
装饰别针(首饰) Decorative pin (jewelry)
作为首饰用的钥匙链(小饰物或短链饰物) Jewelry, as a key chain (small ornaments or short-chain ornaments)
作为珠宝的玛瑙 Agate as jewel
镀贵金属的奖章 Precious metal plated medal
镀贵金属的首饰 Jewelry plated with precious metal
贵金属及其合金制塑像 Statues, made of precious metals and alloys
贵金属及其合金制小塑像 Small statues, made of precious metals and alloys
贵金属制半身塑像 Half-length statues, made of precious metals
贵金属制纪念盾 Memorial shield, made of precious metals
贵金属制领带饰针 Tie pin, made of precious metal
贵金属制领口徽章 Neckline badge, made of precious metals
贵金属制袖扣 Precious metal cuff links
贵金属制钥匙链 Key chain (precious metal)
贵金属制钥匙圈(小饰物或短链饰物) Key rings, made of precious metals (small ornaments or short chain ornaments)
贵金属制装饰钥匙圈 Decorative key ring, made by precious metal
贵金属制宗教人物雕像 Religious figures, made of precious metals
贵重珠宝首饰 Precious jewelry
手镯用贵金属链 Precious metal chains for bracelets
首饰用贵金属制或镀有贵金属的小饰物 Jewelry made of precious metal or precious metal plated