01 化工 02 颜料 03 日化 04 燃料 05 医药 06 金属 07 机械 08 器具 09 电子 10 医用 11 灯具 12 车辆 13 火药 14 珠宝 15 乐器 16 文具 17 橡胶 18 皮具 19 建材 20 家具 21 厨具 22 绳网 23 纱线 24 布料 25 服装 26 纽扣 27 地毯 28 玩具 29 肉油 30 米面 31 果蔬 32 啤酒 33 非啤 34 烟草 35 广告 36 金融 37 建筑 38 通讯 39 运输 40 加工 41 文娱 42 科技 43 酒店 44 医疗 45 法律


编号 名称 英文
350001 计算机化文件的管理 Computerized file management
350002 商业询价 Business inquiries
350006 商业信息代理 Commercial information agencies
350007 成本价格分析 Cost price analysis
350018 商业管理和组织咨询 Business management and organization consultancy
350020 商业管理咨询 Business management consultancy
350025 工商管理辅助 Commercial or industrial management assistance
350029 经营效率专家服务 Business efficiency expert services
350031 市场分析 Marketing studies
350032 商业评估 Business appraisals
350033 商业调查 Business investigations
350036 计算机文档管理 Computerized file management
350041 商业研究 Business research
350042 公共关系 Public relations
350048 商业管理顾问 Advisory services for business management
350051 市场营销研究 Marketing research
350062 商业专业咨询 Professional business consultancy
350063 经济预测 Economic forecasting
350064 组织商业或广告展览 Organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes
350065 商业信息 Business information
350066 民意测验 Opinion polling
350078 饭店商业管理 Business management of hotels
350082 组织商业或广告交易会 Organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes
350091 价格比较服务 Price comparison services
350093 为消费者提供商品和服务选择方面的商业信息和建议 Commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services
350096 特许经营的商业管理 Commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others
350097 外购服务(商业辅助) Outsourcing services [business assistance]
350100 统计资料汇编 Compilation of statistics
350103 为广告宣传目的组织时装表演 Organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes
350110 提供商业和商务联系信息 Provision of commercial and business contact information
350114 商业中介服务 Commercial intermediation services
350116 为第三方进行商业贸易的谈判和缔约 Negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties
350118 为建筑项目进行商业项目管理服务 Business project management services for construction projects
350119 通过网站提供商业信息 Providing business information via a web site
350122 为公司提供外包行政管理 Outsourced administrative management for companies
350124 补偿项目的商业管理(替他人) Business management of reimbursement programmes for others; Business management of reimbursement programs for others
350128 飞行常客计划管理 Administration of frequent flyer programs
350131 消费者忠诚度计划管理 Administration of consumer loyalty programs
350136 为需要资金的企业匹配潜在投资人的商业中介服务 Business intermediary services relating to the matching of potential private investors with entrepreneurs needing funding
350138 公共关系传播策略咨询 Consultancy regarding public relations communications strategy
350140 替他人进行商业合同谈判 Negotiation of business contracts for others
350142 竞争情报服务 Competitive intelligence services
350143 市场情报服务 Market intelligence services
350149 礼物登记服务(为出售目的管理商品清单) Gift registry services
350151 临时性商业管理
350154 关于响应招标的管理辅助
350156 媒体关系服务 Media relations services
350159 商业游说服务 commercial lobbying services
C350003 投标报价 Tender offer
C350008 为广告或销售组织时装展览 Organizing fashion show for advertisement or marketing
商业业务的经营管理辅助 Business management assistance
商业组织和管理的咨询服务 Business organization and management consulting services
商业组织和管理咨询服务 Business organization and management consulting services
商业建议 Commercial advices
商业组织顾问 Business organization consultancy
成本分析 Cost analysis
饭店行政管理 Hotel administration
工商管理咨询 Business Management Consulting
工商企业的商业经营辅助 Business operation assistance of industrial and commercial enterprises
工商业公司的商业管理辅助 Business management assistance for industrial and commercial companies
公共关系咨询 Public relationship consult
公众意见调查的设计 Design of public opinion survey
关于商业事务的信息服务 Information service on business matters
关于销售方法的信息 Information about sales methods
化妆品、香水和美容产品市场的调查研究 Research on the market of cosmetics, perfumes and beauty products
计算机化的市场研究服务 Computerized market research service
进行商业和市场调研 Commercial and market research
商业组织咨询 Business organization consultancy
经济事务的预测 Forecast of economic affairs
经济预测服务 Economic forecasting services
经济预测与分析 Economic forecasting and analysis
酒店的商业管理(替他人) Hotel business management (for others)
利用计算机数据库进行市场调查 Market survey using computer database
贸易信息 Trade information
民意调查 Opinion poll
能源领域公司的商业管理辅助和咨询 Business management assistance and consulting for companies in the energy sector
拟备商业报告 Prepare a business report
农业领域的商业咨询服务 Commercial consulting services in the agricultural sector
企业形象发展咨询 Corporate image development consulting
商业策略方面的顾问和咨询服务 Business strategy consulting and advisory services
商业策略咨询服务 Business strategy consulting services
商业风险管理服务 Commercial risk management services
商业风险评估服务 Business risk appraisals service
商业管理分析 Business management analysis
商业管理规划 Business management planning
商业管理和企业组织咨询 Business management and corporate organization consulting
商业管理和商业经营的咨询服务 Consulting services for business management and business operations
商业管理建议 Commercial management advice
商业管理咨询(包括在线方式) Business management consulting (online)
商业管理咨询服务 Business management consultancy services
商业管理咨询和建议服务 Business management consultancy and advisory services
商业规划 Business Planning
商业活动管理辅助 Business activity management assistance
商业价格和统计信息汇编和提供 Compilation and provision of commercial prices and statistics
商业建议、调查或信息 Business advice, survey or information
商业建议和信息 Commercial advice and information
商业可行性研究 Business Feasibility Study
商业目录编制 Business catalogue
商业事务信息 Commercial affairs information
商业事务中的商业估价和评估 Commercial valuation and evaluation in business matters
商业数据分析 Business data analysis
商业效率建议 Business efficiency advice
商业信息服务 Commercial information services
商业信息和调查 Commercial information and survey
商业战略规划服务 Business strategic planning services
商业战略开发服务 Business strategy development service
商业咨询 Commercial consulting
商业咨询、顾问和信息服务 Business consultancy, advisory and information services
商业咨询服务 Commercial consulting services
商业组织和管理的辅助和建议 Business organization and management assistance and advice
商业组织和管理咨询 Business organization and management consulting
商业组织和经营咨询 Commercial organization and business consulting
商业组织建议 Business organization advice
涉外商业事务的管理 Management of foreign business affairs
市场报告和研究 Market reporting and research
市场分析服务 Market analysis service
市场分析和研究服务 Market analysis and research services
市场民意调查研究 Market opinion survey
市场评估服务 Market assessment service
市场调查的设计 Market survey design
市场调查服务 Market research service
市场调查和商业分析 Market research and business analysis
市场调查数据和统计资料分析 Market research data and statistical analysis
市场调查研究 Market research
市场细分咨询 Market segmentation consulting
市场研究 market research
市场研究和分析 Market research and analysis
市场营销数据的统计学评估 Statistical evaluation of marketing data
收集市场调查信息 Collect market information survey
特许经营的商业管理辅助 Commercial administration assistance of the licensing of the goods and services of others
特许经营的商业管理咨询 Commercial administration consulting of the licensing of the goods and services of others
特许经营商业事务管理 Commercial administration affairs of the licensing of the goods and services of others
提供商品销售信息 Provide product sales information
提供商业信息 Provide business information
提供社会媒体领域的商业信息 Provide business information in the social media field
提供市场调查信息 Provide market research information
提供外贸信息 Provide foreign trade information
提供营销报告 Provide marketing reports
替他人管理酒店 Manage hotels for others
替他人进行商业管理 Commercial management for others
通过互联网、有线网络或其他形式的数据传输提供商业信息 Provide business information via the Internet, wired networks or other forms of data transmission
通过互联网提供商业信息服务 Commercial information services, via internet
通过全球计算机网络提供商业信息 Provide commercial information through a global computer network
通过全球计算机网络信息提供商业信息 Provide business information through global computer network information
外贸信息和咨询 Foreign trade information and consultation
为第三方进行的商业交易谈判 Commercial negotiations, for the third party
为顾客提供关于选择购买产品的信息和建议 Information and advice on product purchasing, for customers
为经济或广告目的而策划和举办交易会、展览会和展示 Plan and host trade fairs, exhibitions and exhibitions for economic or advertising purposes
为企业进行商业辅助 Commercial assistance for the business
为企业提供商业信息 Commercial information for enterprises
为企业提供商业咨询 Commercial consulting for enterprises
为商业和广告目的举办、安排和组织贸易展示和交易会 Hold, arrange and organize trade shows and trade fairs for commercial and advertising purposes
为商业和广告目的组织展销会 Organize trade fairs for commercial and advertising purposes
为商业或广告目的组织艺术展览 Organizing art exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes
为商业目的组织时装表演 Organization of fashion shows for business purposes
为他人管理医疗保健诊所 Manage health care clinics for others
为他人进行购物中心的商业运营 Commercial operations of shopping centers for others
为消费者提供商业信息和建议(消费者建议机构) Provide business information and advice to consumers (consumer advice agencies)
为准备和实施商业交易提供建议 Advising on preparing and implementing commercial transactions
消费者研究 Consumer research
有关商业管理的建议和信息 Advice and information about business management
有关商业组织和管理的建议 Advice on business organization and management
有关组织或管理贸易公司的咨询 Consultation about organizing or managing trading companies
与商业分析有关的辅助、咨询和顾问 Assist, consultancy and advisory, related to commercial analysis
与商业管理有关的辅助、咨询和顾问 Assist, consultancy and advisory, related to commercial management
与商业规划有关的辅助、咨询和顾问 Assist, consultancy and advisory, related to commercial plan
与商业有关的专家评估和报告 Business-related expert assessments and reports
与商业组织有关的辅助、咨询和顾问 Assist, consultancy and advisory, related to commercial organization
运输和递送领域的商业顾问 Commercial consultant in the field of transportation and delivery
运输和递送领域的商业管理咨询 Commercial management consulting in the field of transportation and delivery
在工商企业的商业事务或商业功能方面提供管理帮助 Provide administrative assistance in the business or business functions of the industrial and commercial enterprises
在互联网上提供在线商业信息目录 Provide online business information catalogue on the Internet
专业商业咨询 Professional business consulting
准备市场营销报告 Prepare Marketing Report
组织民意测验 Organization poll
组织商业和广告展销会和展览 Organize commercial and advertising trade fairs and exhibitions
组织商业或广告展览和交易会 Organize commercial or advertising exhibitions and trade fairs
组织商业或广告展览及活动 Organize commercial or advertising exhibitions and events
为商业目的提供统计资料汇编 Compilation of statistical information for commercial purposes
速记 Shorthand