01 化工 02 颜料 03 日化 04 燃料 05 医药 06 金属 07 机械 08 器具 09 电子 10 医用 11 灯具 12 车辆 13 火药 14 珠宝 15 乐器 16 文具 17 橡胶 18 皮具 19 建材 20 家具 21 厨具 22 绳网 23 纱线 24 布料 25 服装 26 纽扣 27 地毯 28 玩具 29 肉油 30 米面 31 果蔬 32 啤酒 33 非啤 34 烟草 35 广告 36 金融 37 建筑 38 通讯 39 运输 40 加工 41 文娱 42 科技 43 酒店 44 医疗 45 法律


编号 名称 英文
370005 铺沥青 Asphalting
370013 推土机出租 Rental of bulldozers
370020 建筑设备出租 Rental of construction equipment
370029 建筑 Construction﹡
370030 水下建筑 Underwater construction
370036 拆除建筑物 Demolition of buildings
370041 仓库建筑和修理 Warehouse construction and repair
370042 建筑物防水 Building sealing; Damp-proofing [building]
370044 挖掘机出租 Rental of excavators
370047 熔炉的安装与修理 Furnace installation and repair
370052 工厂建造 Factory construction
370054 建筑物隔热隔音 Building insulating
370059 砖石建筑 Masonry
370061 码头防浪堤建筑 Pier breakwater building
370063 管道铺设和维护 Pipeline construction and maintenance
370069 用浮石磨光 Pumicing
370070 敷石膏、涂灰泥 Plastering
370071 安装维修水管 Plumbing
370074 港口建造 Harbour construction
370081 铆接 Riveting
370090 清洗机出租 Cleaning machines (Rental of –)
370093 搭脚手架 Scaffolding
370101 砌砖 Bricklaying
370109 铺路 Road paving
370110 用砂纸打磨 Sanding
370111 水下修理 Underwater repair
370115 商业摊位及商店的建筑 Building of fair stalls and shops
370120 建筑用起重机出租 Rental of cranes [construction equipment]
370122 盖房顶 Roofing services
370128 安装门窗 Installation of doors and windows
370140 电缆铺设 Laying of cable
C370015 商品房建造 Construction of commercial housing
安装窗户玻璃 Installation of window glass
安装维修水管服务 Plumbing services
地下室防水产品的安装 Installation of basement waterproofing products
电信布线 Telecommunications cabling
防潮服务 Damp proof service
房屋翻建咨询服务 House renovation consultation service
钢结构建筑施工 Steel structure construction
公寓翻新服务 Apartment renovation service
管道安装咨询服务 Pipeline installation consultation service
管道保养咨询服务 Pipeline maintenance consultation service
管道铺设 Pipeline construction
管道铺设服务 Pipeline construction service
管道铺设咨询服务 Pipeline construction consultation service
管道维护 Pipeline maintenance
管道修理咨询服务 Pipeline repair consultation service
化工厂修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of chemical plant
混凝土充填服务 Concrete filling services
混凝土抛光 Concrete polishing
混凝土找平服务 Concrete leveling out services
机场建造 Construction of airport
建造波浪能发电厂 Construction of wave power plant
建造地热发电厂 Construction of geothermal power plant
建造风力发电厂 Construction of wind farm
建造水力发电厂 Construction of hydroelectric power station
建造阳光房 Construction of sun room
建筑的修缮工作 Building repairs
建筑翻新和修复 Building refurbishment and repairs
建筑机器和装置出租 Rental of construction machines and installations
建筑脚手架的安装 Installation of construction scaffolding
建筑设备出租信息 Information about rental of construction equipment
建筑施工服务 Building construction service
建筑施工咨询服务 Building construction consultation service
建筑手脚架、工作台和建筑平台的修理和维护 Repair and maintenance of building brackets, workbenches and terraces
建筑物拆除 Demolition of buildings
建筑物拆除咨询服务 Consultation service about demolition of buildings
建筑物翻新咨询服务 Building renovation consultation service
建筑物防潮 Building damp proof
建筑物隔热层安装 Installation of building thermal barrier
建筑物加固 Building reinforcement
建筑物建造 Building construction
建筑物施工 Building construction
建筑物填缝服务 Building jointing service
建筑物维护和修理 Building maintenance and repair
建筑物维护咨询服务 Building maintenance consultation service
建筑物修复 Restoration of buildings
建筑物修缮 Repair of buildings
建筑整修 Building refurbishment
脚手架施工 Scaffolding construction
路面标线服务 Pavement marking service
铺砖、砌砖或垒块 Brick paving, brick laying or grievances
商店建筑 Building of shops
施工和建筑用平台的安装 Installation of platform for construction and buildings
石棉拆除 Demolition of asbestos
输油管道建设 Construction of oil pipeline
输油管道铺设 Laying of oil pipeline
水泥灌浆 Cement grouting
水下清淤 Underwater desilting
挖掘咨询服务 Mining consultation service
为路面标线 Pavement marking
为免拆除而对建筑进行的修理和维护 Repair and maintenance of building to avoid demolition
屋顶维修 Repair of roof
医疗机构建造 Construction of medical organization
筑路 Road Construction