01 化工 02 颜料 03 日化 04 燃料 05 医药 06 金属 07 机械 08 器具 09 电子 10 医用 11 灯具 12 车辆 13 火药 14 珠宝 15 乐器 16 文具 17 橡胶 18 皮具 19 建材 20 家具 21 厨具 22 绳网 23 纱线 24 布料 25 服装 26 纽扣 27 地毯 28 玩具 29 肉油 30 米面 31 果蔬 32 啤酒 33 非啤 34 烟草 35 广告 36 金融 37 建筑 38 通讯 39 运输 40 加工 41 文娱 42 科技 43 酒店 44 医疗 45 法律


编号 名称 英文
410003 游乐园服务 Amusement park services
410004 娱乐服务 Entertainment services
410006 电影摄影设备出租 Rental of cinematographic apparatus
410007 演出 Entertainer services
410008 电影摄影棚服务 Movie studio services
410009 马戏表演 Presentation of circus performances
410013 演出用布景出租 Rental of show scenery
410014 提供娱乐设施 Providing recreation facilities
410015 无线电文娱节目 Radio entertainment
410018 唱片出租 Rental of sound recordings
410019 电影胶片出租 Rental of motion pictures
410020 除广告片外的影片制作 Film production, other than advertising films
410021 体操训练 Gymnastic instruction
410025 收音机和电视机出租 Rental of radio and television sets
410026 广播和电视节目制作 Production of radio and television programmes
410027 综艺表演 Presentation of variety shows
410028 管弦乐团 Orchestra services
410029 戏剧制作 Theatre productions
410030 演出制作 Production of shows
410031 电视文娱节目 Television entertainment
410032 舞台布景出租 Rental of stage scenery
410035 提供体育设施 Providing sports facilities
410043 俱乐部服务(娱乐或教育) Club services [entertainment or education]
410047 迪斯科舞厅 Discotheque services
410050 娱乐信息 Entertainment information
410053 提供高尔夫球设施 Providing golf facilities
410054 健身俱乐部(健身和体能训练) Health club services [health and fitness training]
410055 假日野营娱乐服务 Holiday camp services [entertainment]
410056 现场表演 Presentation of live performances
410057 电影放映 Cinema presentations; Movie theatre presentations
410060 筹划聚会(娱乐) Party planning [entertainment]
410062 提供博物馆设施(表演、展览) Providing museum facilities [presentation, exhibitions]
410063 录音棚服务 Recording studio services
410064 娱乐消遣信息 Recreation information
410065 浮潜设备出租 Rental of skin diving equipment
410066 体育设备出租(车辆除外) Rental of sports equipment, except vehicles
410067 体育场设施出租 Rental of stadium facilities
410068 录像机出租 Rental of video cassette recorders
410069 录像带出租 Rental of videotapes
410071 体育野营服务 Sport camp services
410073 体育比赛计时 Timing of sports events
410078 演出座位预订 Booking of seats for shows
410079 配音 Dubbing
410084 游戏厅服务 Providing amusement arcade services
410085 音响设备出租 Rental of audio equipment
410086 剧院或电视演播室用灯光设备出租 Rental of lighting apparatus for theatrical sets or television studios
410087 网球场出租 Rental of tennis courts
410088 摄像机出租 Rental of camcorders; Rental of video cameras
410089 非广告剧本的编写 scriptwriting, other than for advertising purposes
410090 录像带剪辑 Videotape editing
410093 配字幕 Subtitling
410094 在计算机网络上提供在线游戏 Game services provided online from a computer network; Providing online games on computer networks
410095 提供卡拉OK服务 Karaoke services
410097 作曲 Music composition services
410098 夜总会娱乐服务 Nightclub services [entertainment]
410100 摄影报道 Photographic reporting
410101 摄影 Photography
410103 新闻记者服务 News reporters services
410104 翻译 Translation
410105 手语翻译 Sign language interpretation
410106 录像带录制 Videotaping
410182 微缩摄影 Microfilming
410183 票务代理服务(娱乐) Ticket agency services [entertainment]
410184 文稿撰写* Writing of texts*
410186 书法服务 Calligraphy services
410190 运动场出租 Rental of sports grounds
410191 音乐主持服务 Disc jockey services
410192 口译服务 Language interpreter services
410193 私人健身教练服务 Personal trainer services [fitness training]
410194 健身指导课程 Conducting fitness classes
410196 音乐制作 Production of music
410197 玩具出租 Toy rental
410198 游戏器具出租 Games equipment rental
410200 提供在线音乐(非下载)1 Providing online music, not downloadable
410201 提供在线录像(非下载) Providing online videos, not downloadable
410206 导游服务 Conducting guided tours
410208 通过视频点播服务提供不可下载的电影 Providing films, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services
410209 通过视频点播传输提供电视节目(不可下载) Providing television programmes, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services / providing television programs, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services
410209 通过视频点播服务提供不可下载的电视节目 Providing television programmes, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services / providing television programs, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services
410211 合气道训练 Aikido instruction
410212 艺术品出租 Rental of artwork
410214 登山向导服务 conducting guided climbing tours
410217 电影发行 Film distribution
410220 柔道训练 Judo instruction
410222 为活动提供音响工程服务 Sound engineering services for events
410223 为活动提供视频编辑服务 Video editing services for events
410224 为活动提供灯光师服务 Lighting technician services for events
410225 除广告片外的影片导演 Film directing, other than advertising films
C410002 译制 Movie translation
C410005 电影外语配音 Dubbing foreign movies
C410006 诙谐诗创作 Humorous poems writing
充气堡出租 Inflatable castle for rent
娱乐(水上公园和娱乐中心) Entertainment (water park and entertainment center)
筹划聚会 Planning a party
在计算机网络上提供在线虚拟现实游戏 Virtual reality game services provided on-line from a computer network
弹球游戏厅 Pinball game hall
电子游戏厅服务 Video arcade Service
画展服务 Art exhibition service
绘画和书法作品出租 Rental of painting and calligraphy works
具有汽车赛性质的娱乐 Entertainment with the nature of car racing
提供麻将馆 Provide mahjong pavilion
提供水上乐园服务 Providing Waterpark services
提供台球室 Provide billiards room
通过网站提供娱乐信息 Provide entertainment information through the website
玩具踏板车出租 Toy scooter rental
为儿童提供游戏场所 Play areas for children
喜剧俱乐部 Comedy Club
现场表演展示 Live performance show
向公众开放的洞穴 Caves open to the public
虚拟现实游戏厅服务 Virtual reality game hall service
演出和体育赛事座位预订 Seat reservation for performances and sports events
演出座位和戏院票务预订 Performance seats and theater ticket booking
游戏机器和设备出租 Rental of game machines and equipment
娱乐机器和设备出租 Rental of entertainment machinery and equipment
娱乐票务代理服务 Entertainment ticketing agency service
在服务站提供儿童游乐场 Provide children's playgrounds at service stations
植物园 Botanical garden
编写非广告目的演讲稿 Write speeches for non-advertising purposes
出租电子书阅读器 Rental of e-book readers
电视机出租 Rental of TV
电视节目编辑 Television programmers editing
电视节目制作 Television program production
电视片制作 Production of telefilms
电视演播室用灯光设备出租 Rental of lighting equipment for TV Studios
电影DVD盘出租 Rental of film DVDs
电影放映机出租 Rental of film projector
电影歌曲制作 Movie song production
电影摄影机器和设备出租 Movie photography machine and equipment rental
电影特效制作 Production of special effects in film
电影院 Cinema
放映电影 Film projection
非广告目的剧本的撰写服务 Writing services for non-advertising scripts
负片出租 Negative film rental
高射投影仪出租 Overhead projector rental
稿件校对 Manuscript proofreading
广播电视节目制作 Production of radio and television programs
广播节目编辑 Radio programmes editing
广播节目制作 Broadcast production
滑板出租 Skateboard rental
剧院演播室用灯光设备出租 Rental of lighting equipment for theatre studios
乐器出租 Musical instrument rental
录像磁带出租 Video tape rental
录像带、盒式录像带和录像片出租 Videotapes, video cassettes and video rentals
录像带编辑 Video Editor
录像带制作 Video tape production
录像服务 Video service
录音制作 Recording production
母带处理 Master tape processing
人像绘画服务 Portrait painting services
人像摄影服务 Portrait photography services
摄影服务 Photography services
视频设备出租 Rental of video equipment
视频显示屏出租 Video display rental
视频制作 Production of video
收音机出租 Rental of radio
提供电影院设施 Providing cinema facilities
提供音频或视频录制室 Provide audio or video recording room
通过声音和图像制作声音和图像记录 Making sound and image recordings through sound and image
为电影场景或电影摄影棚出租照明器具 Rent lighting fixtures for movie scenes or movie studios
为电影制作字幕 Subtitles for the film production
为他人记谱 Notation for others
现场喜剧节目的演出 Live performances of comedy show
音乐视频制作 Music video production
音像录制服务 Audiovisual recording service
影片出租 Rental of movie
语言翻译 Language translation
照相机出租 Camera rental
正片出租 Positive film rental
公众开放的公园 Public open park
卡拉OK设备出租服务 Karaok Equipment Rental Service
卡拉OK厅服务 Karaok Hall Service
空中健身训练 Health training in the air
配音服务 Dubbing service
植物展览 Plant exhibition
马戏团表演 Circus performance
棋室(围棋或将棋) Chess room (Go or Chess)
艺术展览 Art exhibition
音乐表演 Music performances
在演出场馆提供戏剧表演 Providing dramatic performances at venues
在演出场馆提供音乐歌舞表演 Providing song and dance performances at venues
提供卡拉OK设施服务 Providing karaoke facilities services
博物馆服务 Museum services
风筝出租 Kite rental
钢管舞训练 Pole dancing instruction
高尔夫球健身训练 Golf Fitness Training
高尔夫球练习场服务 Golf driving range service
高尔夫球童服务 Golf boy service
拳击训练 Boxing training
提供保龄球馆 Provide bowling alley
提供滑雪场 Providing ski slopes
提供健身设施 Providing fitness facilities
提供体育场馆 Provided stadiums
提供田径设施 Providing track and field facilities
提供网球场 Provide tennis courts
提供网球场设施 Provide tennis court facilities
网球训练 Tennis training
为体育比赛提供设施 Providing facilities for sports competitions
游泳训练 Swimming training
(冰刀)冰鞋出租 (ice skate blade) Skates rental
单板滑雪设备出租 Snowboard equipment rental
轮滑鞋出租 Roller skates for rent
提供棒球场地 Providing baseball courts
提供冬季运动会设施 Providing Winter Games facilities
提供溜冰场服务 Providing skating rink services
提供障碍训练健身设施 Providing fitness facilities for obstacle training
提供体育信息 Providing sports information
提供有关拳击比赛结果的信息 Provide information about the results of boxing matches
提供有关武术比赛结果的信息 Provide information about the results of the martial arts competition
武术训练 Martial arts instruction
滑雪设备出租 Skiing equipment rental
天文馆服务 Planetarium service
溜冰鞋出租 Ice skates for rent
旱冰鞋出租 Roller skates for rent
视频游戏机出租 Video game console rental
私人健身训练服务 Personal fitness training services
提供舞厅 Provide ballroom
提供游泳池服务 Providing swimming pool services
提供娱乐公园 Providing amusement parks
提供在线计算机游戏 Provide online computer games
体育训练服务 Sports training service
通过互联网方式提供的电子游戏服务 Video game services provided via the Internet
为儿童提供游乐设施 Provide recreational facilities for children
为娱乐目的提供溜索 Providing overhead (or suspension) cable for entertainment purposes