01 化工 02 颜料 03 日化 04 燃料 05 医药 06 金属 07 机械 08 器具 09 电子 10 医用 11 灯具 12 车辆 13 火药 14 珠宝 15 乐器 16 文具 17 橡胶 18 皮具 19 建材 20 家具 21 厨具 22 绳网 23 纱线 24 布料 25 服装 26 纽扣 27 地毯 28 玩具 29 肉油 30 米面 31 果蔬 32 啤酒 33 非啤 34 烟草 35 广告 36 金融 37 建筑 38 通讯 39 运输 40 加工 41 文娱 42 科技 43 酒店 44 医疗 45 法律


编号 名称 英文
420083 计算机出租 Computer rental
420090 计算机编程 Computer programming
420139 计算机软件设计 Computer software design
420140 计算机软件更新 Updating of computer software
420141 计算机硬件设计和开发咨询 Consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware
420159 计算机软件出租 Rental of computer software
420175 恢复计算机数据 Recovery of computer data
420176 计算机软件维护 Maintenance of computer software
420177 计算机系统分析 Computer systems analysis
420194 计算机系统设计 Computer system design
420197 计算机程序复制 Duplication of computer programs
420198 把有形的数据或文件转换成电子媒体 Conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media
420199 替他人创建和维护网站 Creating and maintaining web sites for others
420200 托管计算机站(网站) Hosting computer sites [web sites]
420201 计算机软件安装 Installation of computer software
420203 计算机程序和数据的数据转换(非有形转换) Conversion of computer programs and data, other than physical conversion
420204 计算机软件咨询 Computer software consultancy
420205 网络服务器出租 Rental of web servers
420206 计算机病毒的防护服务 Computer virus protection services
420209 提供互联网搜索引擎 Providing search engines for the internet
420210 文档数字化(扫描) Digitization of documents [scanning]
420215 计算机系统远程监控 Monitoring of computer systems by remote access
420219 网站设计咨询 Web site design consultancy
420220 软件即服务(SaaS) Software as a service [SaaS]
420221 信息技术咨询服务 Information technology [IT] consultancy
420223 服务器托管 Server hosting
420225 远程数据备份 Off-site data backup
420226 电子数据存储 Electronic data storage
420227 通过网站提供计算机技术和编程信息 Providing information on computer technology and programming via a web site
420229 云计算 Cloud computing
420230 外包商提供的信息技术服务 Outsource service providers in the field of information technology
420232 计算机技术咨询 Computer technology consultancy
420235 计算机安全咨询 Computer security consultancy
420238 手机解锁 Unlocking of mobile phones
420239 为检测故障监控计算机系统 Monitoring of computer systems to detect breakdowns
420240 为他人创建和设计网络信息索引(信息技术服务) Creating and designing website-based indexes of information for others [information technology services]
420241 互联网安全咨询 Internet security consultancy
420242 数据安全咨询 Data security consultancy
420243 数据加密服务 Data encryption services
420244 为侦测非授权访问和数据外泄而进行的计算机系统监控 Monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorized access or data breach
420245 为侦测网络身份盗用而进行的个人身份信息电子监控 Electronic monitoring of personally identifying information to detect identity theft via the internet
420246 为侦测网络诈骗而进行的信用卡活动电子监控 Electronic monitoring of credit card activity to detect fraud via the internet
420247 软件出版框架下的软件开发 software development in the framework of software publishing
420248 平台即服务(PaaS) platform as a service [PaaS]
420249 计算机平台的开发 Development of computer platforms
测试计算机 Computer testing; Test computer
出租计算机软件 Rental computer software
创建、设计和维护网站 Create, design, and maintain a website
创建互联网网站 Create an internet website
创建计算机程序 Create a computer program
电子收款机系统用计算机程序开发 Development of computer program for electronic cashier system
电子数据安全系统的设计和开发 Design and development of electronic data security systems
电子数据备份服务 Electronic data backup service
电子网站编写 Electronic website writing
电子信息的数据转换 Data conversion of electronic information
动画设计(替他人) Animation design (for others)
多媒体产品的设计和开发 Design and development of multimedia products
多媒体设备编程 Multimedia device programming
根据第三方订单开发数据处理程序 Developing data processing programs based on third party orders
构建和维护网站 Build and maintain a website
关于计算机程序的技术顾问服务 Technical advisory services on computer programs
即时通讯用软件的设计和开发 Design and development of instant messaging software
计算机安全和计算机风险防范软件的更新 Computer security and computer risk prevention software updates
计算机编程咨询 Computer programming consultation
计算机程序安装 Computer program installation
计算机程序测试 Computer program test
计算机程序出租 Computer program rental
计算机程序复制服务 Computer program copy service
计算机的设计和开发 Computer design and development
计算机服务器存储空间出租 Computer server storage space rental
计算机辅助模具设计 Computer aided mold design
计算机辅助图形设计 Computer aided graphic design
计算机固件的设计和开发 Design and development of computer firmware
计算机软件安装、维护和修理 Computer software installation, maintenance and repair
计算机软件安装、修理和维护 Computer software installation, repair and maintenance
计算机软件的安装和维护 Computer software installation and maintenance
计算机软件的编写和更新 Writing and updating of computer software
计算机软件的更新和维护 Update and maintenance of computer software
计算机软件的设计和开发 Design and development of computer software
计算机软件复制 Computer software copy
计算机软件更新服务 Computer software update service
计算机软件和程序出租 Rental of computer software and programs
计算机软件开发 Computer software development
计算机软件设计和编写 Computer software design and writing
计算机软件维护服务 Computer software maintenance service
计算机软件维护和更新 Computer software maintenance and update
计算机软件维护和升级 Computer software maintenance and upgrade
计算机软件研究和开发 Computer software research and development
计算机软件咨询服务 Computer software consulting service
计算机设备出租 Computer equipment rental
计算机设计 Computer design
计算机设计服务 Computer design service
计算机视频游戏编程 Computer video game programming
计算机数据数字压缩 Digital compression of computer data
计算机图像设计 Computer graphic design
计算机网站设计 Computer website design
计算机系统集成服务 Computer system integration service
计算机硬件出租 Computer hardware rental
计算机硬件检测 Computer hardware detection
计算机游戏编程 Computer game programming
计算机游戏用计算机硬件的开发 Development of computer hardware for computer games
接入互联网的软件出租 Internet access software rental
录制在数据媒体(软件)上的用于建筑和自动化生产的计算机程序开发 Computer program development for architecture and automation production recorded on data media (software)
排除计算机软件故障 Troubleshoot computer software
软件设计和开发 Software design and development
设计和开发互联网网页 Design and develop internet pages
设计用于广告的网站 Website designed for advertising
设计用于控制自助服务终端的计算机软件 Design of computer software for controlling self-service terminals
虚拟现实软件的设计和开发 Design and development of virtual reality software
使用单点登录技术为在线软件应用提供用户认证服务 User authentication service for online software applications using single sign-on technology
使用生物识别硬件和软件技术为电子商务交易提供用户认证服务 User authentication services for e-commerce transactions using biometric hardware and software technologies
数据处理程序的编写 Writing of data processing program
数据处理设备出租 Data processing equipment rental
数据处理用计算机程序的开发和创建 Development and creation of computer programs for data processing
数据加密和解码服务 Data encryption and decoding services
数据解密服务 Data decryption service
数据库开发服务 Database development service
数据库设计和开发 Database design and development
数据库重构 Database refactoring
数据迁移服务 Data migration service
替第三方创建和为其提供网页 Create and provide web pages for third parties
替他人创建和设计网页 Create and design a web page for others
替他人创建网页 Create a web page for someone else
替他人创建主页 Create a homepage for others
替他人管理网站 Managing websites for others
替他人设计和维护网站 Design and maintain websites for others
替他人调试计算机软件 Debugging computer software for others
替他人托管网站 Hosting websites for others
图像处理软件设计 Image processing software design
托管网站 Hosting website
网页设计咨询 Web design consultation
网站可用性测试服务 Website usability testing service
网站设计 Website design
网站托管服务 Web hosting service
为保护数据进行计算机安全威胁分析 Computer security threat analysis for data protection
为第三方更新计算机程序 Updating computer programs for third parties
为第三方设计和维护计算机站 Design and maintain computer stations for third parties
为电动操作控制和驱动组件创建控制程序 Create control programs for electric operation control and drive components
为互联网提供搜索引擎 Providing search engines for the Internet
为计算机网络创建主页 Creating home pages for computer networks
为计算机网络更新主页 Update home page for computer network
为商业分析和报告提供计算机编程 Provide computer programming for business analysis and reporting
为他人更新主页 Update homepage for others
为他人进行网站开发 Website development for others
为他人设计计算机 Designing computers for others
为他人提供计算机软件设计 Provide computer software design for others
为他人提供计算机网络设计服务 Providing computer network design services to others
为制造业设计和开发计算机硬件 Design and develop computer hardware for manufacturing
无线计算机网络的设计和开发 Design and development of wireless computer networks
修复受损的计算机程序 Repairing damaged computer program
应用软件出租 Application software rental
用于安全网络操作的软件开发 Software development for secure network operations
用于电子数据归档的电子存储服务 Electronic storage service for electronic data archiving
有关计算机操作的技术建议 Technical advice on computer operation
有关计算机硬件设计的建议 Advice on computer hardware design
与操作灌装设备和机器有关计算机软件维护 Computer software maintenance related to operating filling equipment and machines
远程计算机备份服务 Remote computer backup service
在互联网上托管网站 Hosting websites on the internet
智能手机数据恢复 Smartphone data recovery
主页和网页设计 Homepage and web design; Homepage design
主页设计 Homepage design
转换文档数据的计算机格式 Computer format for converting document data
计算机安全和风险防范用软件的维护 Computer security and risk prevention software maintenance
计算机软件测试 Computer software testing
计算机数据库设计 Computer database design
计算机网络配置服务 Computer network configuration services
计算机硬件设计 Computer hardware design
计算机游戏软件的设计和开发 Design and development of computer game software
驱动及操作系统软件开发 Development of drive and operating system software
软件开发和质量改进方面的咨询服务 Consulting services for software development and quality improvement
软件设计方面的咨询 Software design consulting
上网用计算机软件维护 Maintenance of computer software for internet
手机软件更新 Updating of mobile phones software
手机软件设计 Design of mobile phones software
手机应用软件的设计和开发 Design and development of application software for mobile phones
数据处理软件的出租 Rental of data processing software
数据处理软件的更新 Updating of data processing software
替他人设计和创建网站 Designing and creating web sites for others
为他人更新网站 Update Web site for others
医疗方面的计算机编程 Computer programming of medical aspects
主页和网站设计 Homepage and web design; Homepage and website design